December 7, 2021
A Special Black Friday Message
On a cold Black Friday morning in 1997, I remember standing in a long line outside of a Circuit City with my Dad, brother, sister and Grandma in Clear Lake, Texas.
As a 12 year old kid, I was constantly hungry and across the street was a Waffle House.
I wanted nothing more than to ditch this line we were standing in and go get an All-Star Special (eggs over easy, grits, bacon, waffle and raisin toast for those of you interested in the details of how I get my All Star Special).
With a sign, I turned back to the line hoping they would hurry up and just let us in.
Here’s the reason we were there.
The first 50 people got a free 20 pack of blank CDs, valued at around $10 and access to a bunch of other discounted electronics.
My dad had his eye on a TV which was the belle of the proverbial Black Friday Circuit City sale.
We stood there so long, a store worker started up an impromptu trivia contest.
My brother answered a question correctly and he got…. you guessed it, another free 20 pack of black CDs.
Eventually we got in the building, my dad got his TV and I eventually got my All Star Special later that morning.
Black Friday is an interesting day.
The term Black Friday has its roots in Philadelphia when police officers had to work extra shifts and deal with hoards of people that would come to the city to shop after Thanksgiving.

Eventually, in the 1980s, retail marketers started to use it to promote sales and drive buyer action with scarcity.
You have two options as a business owner when it comes to Black Friday.
You can participate or you can not.
If you choose to participate, you can make some quick cash and it can become part of your annual marketing calendar.
It can be a great way to boost cash flow in businesses before the slow Christmas season.
You can also choose not to participate.
In this case, it’s just a regular day and you keep sticking to your overall plan.
We have done Black Friday sales in PT Biz and Athletes’ Potential before. We do not currently offer Black Friday sales anymore.
The reason why is, what we do is incredibly valuable and difficult to fulfill. It’s also not right in our opinion to discount something that someone may have bought for the full price literally a week prior.
Part of this is that we really only sell two things at PT Biz.
Our Clinical Rainmaker 3 month coaching program.
Our PT Biz Mastermind 12 month coaching program.
At Athletes’ Potential, we only offer individualized services both in person and digital.
All of these options between the two businesses are services and are very limited.
They are limited because they are fulfilled by the best coaches and clinicians we can hire.
Discounting these services makes absolutely no sense, especially when there is a waitlist for all of them.
Here’s what you have to ask yourself as a business owner….not just about Black Friday but in general.
I would assume the sought after professional for most of you.
In that case, you have to act like it even if you aren’t yet.
I know that might mean turning down some quick cash in the short term but in the long term, your business reputation will carry a lot more weight.
The only exception to this that I think still lets you be the sought after professional but participate in marketing events like Black Friday is selling hands off programs or products.
If you have a great lower back program that you usually charge $200 for, make that bad boy $100 and get some more paying customers in your ecosystem.
If all you sell is solutions to problems and it requires time from you or your team, do not discount that.
Time is so limited and by not discounting your services, you visually look like a superior option.
I’m sorry if you were expecting some 50% off PT Biz something or another but, this just isn’t how we work.
I can tell you this though. We actually help a whole lot of clinicians start, grow and scale cash or hybrid practices.
We are very good at what we do and our active clients have generated over 50 million dollars in revenue within their businesses in the past 12 months. The vast majority of these being 100% cash based clinical businesses.
Do you want to be the sought after professional with a waitlist or the discount business that is essentially giving out free CDs?
Now is a great time to get the help you know you actually need.
You can tee yourself up to start 2022 off with a bang and it’s a great way to decrease your tax burden by investing in coaching for your business this year.
Honestly though, stop trying to figure all this shit out on your own.
It’s the slow path and you know it.
Chances are you just haven’t experienced enough pain to get some help or you don’t trust us quite yet.
I can relate to both of those things. I’m stubborn and skeptical. In a way, these can actually be great advantages in business but also can create some massive disadvantages.
If you’re stubborn, I can’t help you with that.
If you don’t quite trust us yet and are skeptical, I can help you with that!
I recommend jumping on a totally free, quick 20 minute call with our team.
You’ll talk to a real person and they will give you customized guidance on your next skills or steps to take to gain momentum in your business.
We don’t sell anything on this call and you literally couldn’t buy something from us if you wanted to in this call.
We just know we can help and we want to prove it to you for free.
Choose a time that works for you.
It’s time to start making some serious progress in your business/life.

P.S. If you have a practice, check out our friends at PtEverywhere. We switched to their software to run our cash practice and it’s been a game changer!